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Version 1.6.6

  • date: februari 11, 2022
# Part Description
Requests Added to SignalLogs
Requests Is clickable as hyperlink
Navigation Navigation options added in GeneralSignals, Processes, Workstations and Requests
RFN Being able to run failed requests again within a process step
Scheduled Requests Validation added to the configuration if the Request is not complete
Scheduler New requests that are created by the scheduler will have a parentId of the value 0
Files The Robot / worker is able to use the CSV export now
Business Support (remote) To be able to monitor remotely without direct acess the functionality is added that within x minutes monitoring data will be send to the Nidaros Business Support dashboard. This can be done via SMTP or API calls, depending on the external access
Business Support (remote) Added scheduled request information for Remote Business Support
Tools Sorting added to the table colums
Alarms Alarms can now be changed to a resolved status
Alarms The alarm state is visible as an icon
Logging NeedsOK Added logging for the NeedsOK functionality
Change Requests Bugfix Sorting error which is now part of the Change Requests. Column finished date now has correct field FinishedDt
AuditLogs Searchfilter added for the field new value
Request Search Body and variables are encrypted if the user has no permissions to view
Scraping New fields added for the scraping process
History Data Added functionality to cleanup history data to archive tables. Configuration is set in the webConfig
Request Data Added functionality to cleanup input and process data. Usefull for GDPR / AVG. Configuration is set in the webConfig
Process Addition of ProcessDiagram. A procesDiagram can be added to a process
Minor Code cleanup and minor bugfixes
Email upgrade Email Encryption options