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Version 1.6.11

  • date: july 26, 2022
OPId Type Description
#2850 Feature ProcessSteps, Import tasks and schedules can be prioritized based on predefined values.
#2749 Feature Be able to read the Process inMaintenance from the Worker.
#2156 Feature GraphAPI als mailprovider added to the Spider. SMTP or GraphApi can be used.
#3036 BugFix GraphAPI. When SLA user does not have SendFailMail enabled no email will be send.
#2865 Feature The pages for ImportTasks and Scheduled requests are redesigned.
#1058 Optimization The IsSystem flag has been removed from the database. Was not used anymore.
#2796 Feature Milestones in ProcessSteps.
#3077 Optimization Graph Emailsettings.