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Import tasks

Are used when processes needs to run every x number of minutes or in a return pattern setup. Operators are now able to schedule requests within the Importtask configuration.


  • The Body in the request is always the same.
  • The Interval period is always on the same moment in time.

In any other case it is best to use the Scheduled Request function.


Versions older than 1.9.0 contains only the Interval in minutes pattern.

Interval minutes


Interval Return pattern

Starting from version 1.12.0, the task will also be scheduled for today if the time is set later than the current time. In older versions, the import task with the recurrence pattern would only be activated for the next scheduled time.







Interval examples

Interval - minutes:

  • Every 10 minutes a process is allowed to run. When this request is processed a new one needs to be created.

Interval - return pattern:

  • Every day a process is allowed to run from 14:00 hours. After processing, a new request needs to be created for the following day.
  • Every two days a process is allowed to run from 16:00 hours. After processing, a new request needs to be created over two days.
  • Every week on tuesday a process is allowed to run from 10:00 hours. After processing, a new request needs to be created for next week tuesday with a start time at 10:00 hours.
  • Every month on wednesday a process is allowed to run from 10:00 hours. After processing, a new request needs to be created for next month tuesday with a start time at 10:00 hours.
  • Every second workday of every 3rd month on wednesday a process is allowed to run from 10:00 hours. After processing, a new request needs to be created for over 3 months.

Import task Configurations

From the menu, navigate to More > Scheduler > Import Tasks for an overview. The overview page shows the Import Task configurations and in the second tab the actual planned requests. Importtask


Remember that an ImportTask has a lower priority than a Scheduled Request. More information on that can be found in Priority Requests

Add Import Task

Click on Add new to create a new Import Task. Importtask

A popup window will open where you have to fill the fields.


  • Name: Enter a short clear subject for the task
  • Process: Select the process that has to run.
  • Body: string or anything related to the task.
  • Interval: Choose the interval type and select disired settings.

Click Save.

Configuration overview

You will see the task appear in the first tab Import Task Configurations. Importtask

Click on the ConfigurationId. You will be pointed to the second tab. The information will show.


Multiple Import Tasks can be created for the same process with a different interval value. Multiple new requests can be created this way and appear in the Todo.

Imported Requests


# Description
1 Click on the tab: Imported requests
2 Select the Import task from the dropdown
3 The requestId's that belong to the Import Tasks
4 The processName that is used by the Import Task
5 When will the request be allowed to start on
6 The name of the import task
7 The state of the request

When a new request will be created:

  • There is no existing request in the Todo list that matches the Import Task configuration.
  • A previous request has already been processed.

When no new request is created:

  • The Import Task is deactivated.
  • There is already a request scheduled for the next moment.

A hangfire job runs in the background to monitor changes. By default every 2 minutes the job will check if new requests should be created. More information can be found at Hangfire Import Tasks and Hangfire Importtask Configuration

Edit import task

Just as a scheduled request you can edit the Import task. Click on the edit button. Importtask

When you change the Interval it will be saved. The Hangfirejob will create a new request based on the new interval. The request that is already placed in the Todo will remain there. If that needs to be canceled you can drop it manually.

Status import task

When requests are already processed you cannot delete the Import task anymore. You can only disable it. Click on the eye icon to deactivate


and confirm the popup button.


When the Import task is disabled no new items will be added to the Todo Requests. Current requests in Todo will be processed, but no new Requests will be created. If you also want to delete the current request you can drop it from the Todo and make the Change request and set a remark. More information on how to do this can be found here. Request RFC

You can also enable the task again. Then click on the activate button again. Importtask

Show inactive tasks

Check Show inactive to show disabled tasks. Importtask

Search filters

In the first and second tab you can use the filter to:

  • Search by importtask name
  • Toggle the inactive/active status

In the second tab (Imported Request) you can filter on:

  • The Import Task Configuration
  • Subject
  • Requests today, tomorrow or next days.