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Hangfire jobs are the automatic tasks that run in the background. They are critical for a working Spider platform.

The hangfire jobs (tasks that run automatically in the background) are configured in the Web.config files and can be invoked manually from the IIS server.

The hangfire dashboard is only viewable and usable from the server itself.

Hangfire Link: [SPIDER_DOMAINNAME]/dashboard/hangfire/recurring


The hangfirejobs can only be seen from the IIS server itself in a browser. If the link is not working make sure to edit the windows host file and add the DNS name to the local ipaddress.


Hangfire - configuration

The configuration for the back ground tasks is done with the settings set in the web.config. C:\inetpub\<IWM-site>\web.config and can be found between the <appSettings> and </appSettings> tags. Below is an overview of the default settings of these tasks.


As of 1.8.0, the web configurations below have been moved to the Spider dashboard in Settings > Cronjob

Task - webconfig Runtime Configurable in
PerformanceTime x 40 22 ** * Settings > Cronjob
CheckSLATime 00 23 ** * Settings > Cronjob
ScrapeTime /30 8-21 ** Settings > Cronjob
NeedsOkTime /20 8-21 ** Settings > Cronjob
MtInfoTime 0 1 ** * Settings > Cronjob
RFNScrapeTime 10 23 ** * Settings > Cronjob
BusinessSupportDateTime /5 ** * Settings > Cronjob
MoveAlarmsToHistoryTime 20 22 ** * Settings > Cronjob
MoveAuditLogsToHistoryNumberOfDaysToRetain 100 Settings > Cronjob
MoveGeneralSignalLogsToHistoryTime 0 22 ** * Settings > Cronjob
MoveRequestsToHistoryTime 50 22 ** * Settings > Cronjob
DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryEnabled true/false Worker/Web.config
DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryTime 15 1 ** * worker/Web.config
DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryNumberOfMonthsToRetain 1 worker/Web.config
DeleteVariablesContentFromHistoryEnabled true/false worker/Web.config
DeleteVariablesContentFromHistoryNumberOfMonthsToRetain 1 worker/Web.config
UpdateWorkstationStatusToInUpdateTime /20 ** * Settings > Cronjob
SaioScheduleTime expired
ImportTaskConfigurationProcessesTime /2 ** * Settings > Cronjob
FillPriorityInWorkloadTime expired
ErrorLogEnabled true/false Settings > Cronjob
DeleteErrorLogContentTime 45 1 ** * Settings > Cronjob
DeleteErrorLogContentNumberOfDaysToRetain 30 Settings > Cronjob

Hangfire - tasks

Task - Hangfire Active
Performance (1) expired
ProvideBusinessSupportData yes
RFNScrape yes
NeedsOk yes
Scrape yes
MtInfo yes
MoveGeneralSignalLogsToHistory yes
MoveAuditLogsToHistory yes
MoveAlarmsToHistory yes
CheckSla yes
MoveRequestsToHistory yes
FillProcessIdInRequest (2) expired
FillProcessIdInRequestHistory (3) expired
UpdateWorkstationStatusToInUpdate (4) yes
SaioScheduler (5) expired
ImportTaskConfigurationProcessesTime (6) yes
DeleteErrorLogContent (7) yes
ProvideBusinessSupportConfigurationData(8) yes

(1): This task is no longer active since 1.6.7

(2): This is a one-time task which must be run when upgrading from version 1.6.6+. - This will populate SQL Request table with the ProcessId - This job is dropped in 1.8.0

(3): This is a one-time task which must be run when upgrading from version 1.6.6+. - This will populate SQL Request table with the ProcessId - This job is dropped in 1.8.0

(4): This is a task that puts a workstation on an inUpdate state or takes it out.

(5): This job was dropped in version 1.7.0. A change has been made to the Spider HeartBeatservice that replaces this HangfireJob.

(7): This task was added from version 1.7.0 and becomes visible in Hangfire so long as the status of ErrorLogEnabled is set to true.

(8): New in version 1.11.0. This task sends SAIO and Spider license information as well as Spider processes to the Nidaros BSD dashboard.

General jobs

ProvideBusinessSupport ConfigurationData

This task sends additional information from the RPA platform to the Nidaros BSD for monitoring our customers. This task is particularly important for Nidaros to monitor the processes of our customers.

Would you like Nidaros to take over your monitoring as well? If so, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

SAIO Information

Starting from SAIO 6.1, we can retrieve license information and send it to our BSD via the Spider. This way, we can advise our customers more quickly and effectively if an upgrade is necessary.

Spider License Information

We have also expanded this task to retrieve Spider license information. This allows us to advise our customers more quickly and effectively if an upgrade is necessary.

Spider Processes

Additionally, this task sends the Spider processes (encrypted) to our BSD.

CheckSLA Time

This task checks if there are any requests that have completed outside the SLA time. If so, the "flag" SLA Expired is set to True and an alarm is generated with the message:

Request nr exceeded the agreed maximum lead time for process: processname.

Scrape Time

This task picks up all requests with failed statuses:

  • Request_FailReported_Name
  • Request_WorkFailed_Name
  • Request_StagingFailed_Name

And forwards these to a final state: Request_RecordFailed_Name. It also writes out a corresponding AuditTrail notification. After this, the task starts working with the Workloads that have been stuck with the status Workload_RobotProcess_Name or Workload_RecordRequested_Name

Conditions for picking these up are:

  • The process must be Scrapable (CanbeScraped = True)
  • Scraping must be on on the process step.

The actions that are performed next are:

  • Workload with the status Workload_RecordRequested_Name is always reset to Workload_RecordNew_Name. An associated AuditTrail message is also written.
  • Workload with the status Workload_RobotProcess_Name is always passed to Workload_RobotFailed. Also, a SendFailEmail is sent to the user. Finally, an associated AuditTrail notification is written.

NeedsOk Time

Picks up all requests that have been left on NeedsOk for too long and sends the Emails to the appropriate people who should receive a NeedsOk notification, when within the interval.

RFN Scrape Time

This task picks up all requests with the status RFN that were completed more than 7 days ago. These requests get the status RRF. Also a notification is written to the Audit Trail:

Request nr Process: Request Failed Not Reported Scraping Process at date Details: Request status changed from RFN to RRF.

MtInfo & Business Support


This task ensures that the management information is generated and sent by Email to the appropriate people added in the MtInfo SLA. The Mtinfo can be sent daily, weekly or monthly. The frequency period can now be set per user in the SLA of a process.

Business SupportData Time

If it is desired that Nidaros monitor your RPA platform, this setting can be activated in the Spider settings. This task sends anonymous data by Email or API call to Nidaros Business Support. This can be set in the Spider in Settings > Business Support. This allows Nidaros to monitor your processes without requiring Nidaros to physically access your machines.

Task - Historie

The history tasks are used to keep the Spider's main tables clean to ensure performance as well.

Move Alarms To History Time

All alarms with Alarm Record Solved (ARS) status are moved to the history tables.

SQL tables:

  • Alarm > AlarmHistory

Move AuditLogs To History Time

All audit logs older than the specified number of days (NumberOfdaysToRetain) (default 100 days), are moved to history.

SQL tables:

  • AuditLogs > AuditLogHistory
  • AuditLogDetails > AuditLogDetailHistory

Move GeneralSignalLogs To History Time

All general signal logs except the most recent per combination (general signal / workstation) are moved to the history tables. The most recent ones remain in the current table. This is required for the heartbeat functionality

SQL tables:

  • GeneralSignalLog > GeneralSignalLogHistory

Move Requests To History Time

All requests with the following statuses are transferred to the history tables.

  • Request Record Success (RRS)
  • Request Record Failed (RRF)
  • Request Record Returned (RRR)

All associated sub-objects, such as audit trail, report log, signallog, staging and workloads are also moved to history.

SQL tables:

  • AuditTrail > AuditTrailHistory
  • ReportLog > ReportLogHistory
  • SignalLog > SignalLogHistory
  • Staging > StagingHistory
  • Workload > WorkloadHistory

Tasks – Cleaning of Data (privacy)

Spider offers the possibility of data cleaning in Spider. Depending on your requirements for data cleaning this can be set in the Spider web configuration.

Delete BodyContent From History


  • The value of DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryEnabled should be set to True.

Then the DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryTime task is triggered.

All body information from a request and the staging table older than the specified number of months (DeleteBodyContentFromHistoryNumberOfMonthsToRetain) is deleted and overwritten with the text: The body has been deleted for privacy reasons at <current_date + time

Delete Variables Content From History


  • The value of DeleteVariablesContentFromHistoryEnabled should be set to True.

Then the DeleteVariablesContentFromHistoryTime task is triggered All variable information of the staging table older than (DeleteVariablesContentFromHistoryNumberOfMonthsToRetain) is deleted overwritten with the message:

The variables have been deleted for privacy reasons at <current_date + time>.

Tasks - SAIO Connection

There are two tasks that are used when rescheduling a SAIO robot. More information about the statuses can be found at Workstation in Update.

Update Workstation Status To In Update

This updates the status of the workstation in the Spider. Once a workstation enters a maintenance schedule, this task updates the status of the worksattion to "in Update". If a schedule expires, this task resets the status of the workstation to the previous status.

SAIO Scheduler

This job was dropped in version 1.7.0. A change has been made to the Spider HeartBeatservice that replaces this HangfireJob.

Import Task Configuration Processes Time

This task will run by default every 2 minutes. It will check if there are Import task configurations that needs to be added to the Todo. When the job runs a timer will be set and used. When a new job needs to run every 10 minutes, the Hangfirejob will set a starttimer. Until the timer matches or exeeds the time+interval setting a new request will be added to the Todo.

Delete Content - Spiderlogging

If debugging is needed to find out what goes wrong with API calls, this feature can be activated in the Worker Webconfig.

Activate Worker Webconfig settings:

  • Enable ErrorLogEnabled by changing the value to true
  • Adjust the DeleteErrorLogContentNumberOfDaysToRetain to the desired number. All data older than x will then be automatically deleted from the SQL ErrorLog table
  • Adjust the time of DeleteErrorLogContentTime when it should run.

| ErrorLogEnabled | true | | DeleteErrorLogContentTime | 45 1 * * * | | DeleteErrorLogContentNumberOfDaysToRetain | 10 |

  • Restart IIS after this.
  • Refresh the Worker swagger page or make an API call to the WorkerAPI to activate the API..

Once the ErrorLogEnabled is set to true, all API calls in the workerAPI that go wrong are logged in the SQL table ErrorLog. This provides an initial insight for debugging.

It is recommended to use the Logging feature only when problems occur. After debugging, set the ErrorLogEnabled back to false and restart IIS.

Delete Content - Example

Trigger a Report with a ReportID that does not exist in the Spider.

Output API Call:

"Message": "There was an error adding the report log: Cannot find the specified Report"

SQL: Errorlog ErrorLogId: 1 RequestId: 6587 WorkloadId: NULL InsertDt: 2022-11-30 12:07:58.087


RequestId: 6587  WorkloadId: N/A  Url: /worker/v3/reportlog  HTTP Method: POST  Details: There was an error adding the report log: Nidaros.IWM.Library.Exceptions.ForeignKeyException: Cannot find the specified Report     at Nidaros.IWM.Library.Exceptions.ExceptionHandler.HandleDBException(Exception exception) in D:\Sources\iwm_dashboard\APIs\Library\Exceptions\ExceptionHandler.cs:line 49     at Nidaros.IWM.DataLayer.Components.ReportLogComponent.<Add>d__7.MoveNext() in D:\Sources\iwm_dashboard\APIs\DataLayer\Components\ReportLogComponent.cs:line 138  --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---     at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()     at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)     at Nidaros.IWM.MiddleTier.Managers.ReportLogManager.<AddAsync>d__3.MoveNext() in D:\Sources\iwm_dashboard\APIs\MiddleTier\Managers\ReportLogManager.cs:line 61  --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---     at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()     at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)     at Nidaros.IWM.RobotAPI.Controllers.Base.ApiExtendedBaseController`1.<Post>d__0`1.MoveNext() in D:\Sources\iwm_dashboard\APIs\RobotAPI\Controllers\Base\ApiExtendedBaseController.cs:line 0