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Worker API V2

Changes starting from Spider 1.6.7+

Translation table

Be able to get a group list of the Translation table.

Operation Type Call
Translate POST /v2/translateGroup/
Translate POST /v2/translateGroup/{groupName}


Counter parameter name changed from CounterName to CounterId.

Operation Type Call
Counter GET /v1/counter/{counterId}
Counter PUT /v1/counter/{counterId}
Counter PUT /v1/counter/{counterId}/up
Counter PUT /v1/counter/{counterId}/down
Counter PUT /v1/counter/{counterId}/reset


Get and set the workstation state. This will make it possible that workstations can reschedule eachother.

| Workstation | GET | /v1/workstation/{workstationId}/{state} | Idle / Running / InMaintenance / InUpdate | Workstation | PUT | /v1/workstation/{workstationId}/{state} | Idle / Running